Thin Thin Maw

Chiang Rai


Working on her own land as a farmer in Myanmar, Thin Thin Maw didn’t earn enough money to support her family. Growing up, she saw many of her friends travel to Thailand, where they were able to work and send money back to their families. Wanting to do the same, at 21, she crossed the border into Chiang Rai province to find work.

Over the past years, Thin Thin Maw has held many jobs. Upon arrival, she got a job cutting onions in a factory earning below minimum wage of 315 baht per day.  After five years, she moved to a factory that assembled light bulbs, making 0.80 baht for each light bulb made. For four years she worked all hours of the day to earn a living. In a past few years, she moved to work at a construction site.

Although she struggled in these jobs where she was continually paid below minimum wage, Thin Thin Maw felt that it was better than the jobs back home.  Every month, Thin Thin Maw sent around 3,000 baht back home for her parents, who depended on this money for medication and to support their other children.  

After a few years of working at a construction site, Thin Thin Maw is unemployed and struggling to find work. She has no option but to remain in Thailand as borders remain closed and the political situation in Myanmar worsens.

Photo by Luke Duggleby

Myo Oo


Myo Oo
